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Home joomla 1.5 templates
joomla 1.5 templates

joomla template for bussiness companies and bussiness groups

s5_digital_systemsYou can use this joomla template to create a professional website, for
Financial companies, businesses, public relations companies, digital system,
logistics enterprises,quickly and easily.

2 columns blue normal templates

rt_novus_j15Joomla template blue normal is Simple and generous style, gentle tone ,can be used for the news website or as a personal Web site, div structure





Free discovery template

discoveryFree discovery of the two front-column template
Applicable: Joomla! 1.5.x
Structure: DIV
Design Time: July 13, 2007

VirtueMart Shopping Cart

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Virtuemart Upload Component

Upload Images and Files with your order in Virtuemart - VMUpload is a versatile plugin to the core application Virtuemart that allows for a customer to upload files to their order based on parameters established by the site administrator. it include a Joomla component and a Virtuemart patch.

Feature Summary


  • Upload and bind the files to a order
  • Ability to add more upload fields as needed
  • Secure client folder created as upload destination (folder name defined by username)
  • Create the thumbnail image automatically if the uploaded file is picture
  • Integrate with an image gallery for photos, show upload picture with lightbox
  • CSS friendly coding; Multi-language compatible (English native)


  • Check the uploaded files based on client orders
  • Download uploaded files from orders
  • Config number of maximum Files to upload
  • Config Maximum files size
  • Config upload file folder
  • Choice of acceptable file types
  • Creation of thumbnail image to defined size
  • Manage the uploaded files