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Home Virtuemart development JoomlaVMDL-Excel data import tool for Virtuemart

JoomlaVMDL-Excel data import tool for Virtuemart

JoomlaVMDL-This tool is used to quickly import Virtuemart product data with Excel files, users only needs to  editor the excel file's data, then use this tool  to import a large amount of product data immediately, it will use the excel date to generat product category and product's detail data automatically.

How to Use it:
1. develop the tool by java, so users must have jre environment.
2. unzip the zip file,and edit ""  file, fill in the correct database information, to replace, xxxx, xxxx text.
3. the Excel file: productlist.xls, fill your product data into it. Attention, Do not modify the first row of the excel file.
4. Run the program - "Run.bat", finish import excel data into Virtuemart!

Excel Field:
name: the name of the product
sku: sku
brank: the first category
module: the secondary category
type: three-level category
descript: product descript
sdescript: product short descript
price: product price

Any questions or advice, Please feel free to contact me: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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VMDL FeaturesFree Professional
Build Category,max three levels —Automate!
Build product items and load basic Product attributes—Automate!
Load extension attributes,include attributes about image — all of the product attributes! 
Support remote host data loading — Create data anywhere! 
Do not need install JRE or other software, php edtion — Easy install! 
Custom Service —Create your own Tool for your business  
Add product types — Accord to your requirments  
Check function and high fault tolerant — deal with the format error, Automate! 
Help you use this tool and fill the excel file correctly at first time — quick learn  

 You can download the up to date professional edition - "JVMDL3.0" now ,more functions and more free supports, click the button below.




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Virtuemart Quotation Component

VMQuote , the online Quotation / Invoice system assists the virtuemart shop in preparation, issue, and tracking of customer quotations.
VMQuote ?allows users to quickly and accurately prepare a customer quotation by accessing the products in virtuemart store. with the powerful component, you can create any quotations for any customers, even for unregister customers, it will create a new account for them when you finish creating the quotation, and email the customers the account and quotation with pdf format document. After the new customer login in your website and ?accept the quotation, it will create a new order automatically and wait for customer finishing the payment.
It also provide the invoice function, you can generate ?the invoice of pdf format at the backend, if? you want to track the quotations and analysis the statistic, you can export all kind of tables about quotation,invoices,unpaid order.
It is a Stardand joomla component for virtuemart, so don’t worry about the edition of your virtuemart, the installation is absolutely simple, the usage is absolutely easy.

Feature Summary

  • Integrate with all VM products listed on website.
  • Auto create new customer (registration) if not existing customer ( included login details in email with quotation)
  • Quotation – Send to customer in HTML email? with attached PDF
  • Quotation – Customer are able to accept or reject quotation in the frontend
  • Quotation –? If accepted auto generate purchase order , If rejected ask why
  • Export data to CSV
  • Statements with line item invoices marked paid or unpaid
  • help Service —Help clients use this tool correctly at first time